Sunday, November 6, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 6

I am really ahead of schedule at this point! 19,336 total words at the moment, whereas the goal for day 6 is only 10,000!

More good news? Most of the important characters have been introduced at this point. Even better, they're not all ridiculously boring! (Probably!)

A few problems though... Namely how long it's taking for the 'fantasy' portion of this 'urban fantasy' novel to get going. Also I might not be giving the villains enough screen time now. I may need to rework it a bit to find more time for them.

Possibly a large part of the problem is that I know that I'm not just starting one book, but a trilogy starring these same characters. Things will be more fantastic (definition 2) the further down the line we get. So I'm setting stuff up a bit too long in the first book. This is something that should probably be addressed. After all, who knows if I'll ever get to write the second book (Azure Earth: Title Pending)?

Overall, though, I'm just pleased as punch with the progress I'm making. Years of planning are really paying off. The words just flow so well. I didn't have nearly so easy a time writing last year, about characters I'd largely never used before (as well as a whole bunch of new ones basically created on the spot). So this is really nice. For now, I'll keep positive, and say I look forward to when I get back to Azure Night again (book 5 or 6, depending on how I work it) and giving those characters a better shake.


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