Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 15

Feeling a bit better about this whole thing today... So that's nice.

Today we delved a bit into world building. I've been both excited and dreading this part for a while. Excited, because I know a lot of how the mythology of this world works, down to intricate details. Dreading, because I don't know if it's really all that interesting, or if I'd be able to make it sound interesting with my level of skill.

I am, however, considering rethinking the world in a big way. At the moment, it takes place in a made up major US city. But what if it doesn't take place in the US? What if the world feels like modern Earth, but isn't shaped that way?

Would it still be an urban fantasy if it's largely a made of world, just one that still feels like Earth? I don't really know...

I do know that I'd likely not be able to pull that off very believably... I'd fall back on colloquialisms that wouldn't make sense out of the context of, well, the 'real' world. Also I'd spent way too much time worrying about the fact that everyone is speaking English on a planet where there wasn't an England...

I worry about things like that a lot, actually. I should try to learn to ignore silly things like that. Sometimes you don't need to explain things. Probably better off if you didn't... Iunno...

On an unrelated note, NNWM is half over now... I'm less than 5k words from the goal, but a good 10 chapters away from the end of the book. Not sure if that's great or terrible.



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