Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 30

Final day!

But I failed...

I came it at 69,393 words total, which is nearly 20,000 more words than I needed for the NNWM word count. But I didn't actually finish the book. I'm about halfway through chapter 28, which is possibly the penultimate chapters, or it might go to 30, I can't really decide just yet, we'll see how that plays out. Also there's a short epilogue, but that might just be called chapter 30/31 instead, because it probably shouldn't be an epilogue at all...


I should be able to finish soon, anyway, though. Just a shame I couldn't get it done during November. Or rather that I failed to, not that I couldn't, because I could have. I could have easily been done on Sunday or Monday, but I wasted four gorram days with Terraria instead.

Terraria is crazy fun, though, so at least there's that.

Only problem? A certain person just happens to be coming back into my life tomorrow who I'd rather wasn't.

Well, that, and Terraria has its big version 1.1 update sometime tomorrow... yeah...

If anyone followed my postings, but didn't actually follow my blog (because I still have no actual followers), thanks for putting up with my ramblings during the month. Sorry I failed to complete the project. But I will! I promise! I don't think I'll ever publish it, because dreams don't always come true, but I'll finish it. And I'll even think about writing book 2 as well.


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