Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 30

Final day!

But I failed...

I came it at 69,393 words total, which is nearly 20,000 more words than I needed for the NNWM word count. But I didn't actually finish the book. I'm about halfway through chapter 28, which is possibly the penultimate chapters, or it might go to 30, I can't really decide just yet, we'll see how that plays out. Also there's a short epilogue, but that might just be called chapter 30/31 instead, because it probably shouldn't be an epilogue at all...


I should be able to finish soon, anyway, though. Just a shame I couldn't get it done during November. Or rather that I failed to, not that I couldn't, because I could have. I could have easily been done on Sunday or Monday, but I wasted four gorram days with Terraria instead.

Terraria is crazy fun, though, so at least there's that.

Only problem? A certain person just happens to be coming back into my life tomorrow who I'd rather wasn't.

Well, that, and Terraria has its big version 1.1 update sometime tomorrow... yeah...

If anyone followed my postings, but didn't actually follow my blog (because I still have no actual followers), thanks for putting up with my ramblings during the month. Sorry I failed to complete the project. But I will! I promise! I don't think I'll ever publish it, because dreams don't always come true, but I'll finish it. And I'll even think about writing book 2 as well.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 29

Chapter 27 is complete after another 2500 words or so...

Chapters 28, 29, 30, and the epilogue? I have 1 day left to write them. But I do have 2 rough drafts each for them, and 2 very older versions of them (they might not be 3 chapters...really they could be just 1 if I wanted, but meh). If I dedicate the entire day tomorrow to the project, I could probably get them finished?

I doubt I'll be able to pull it off now, though. Wish me luck anyway.


Monday, November 28, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 28

I'm never gonna finish now, am I?

Still no words tonight...

3 or 4 chapters left, and only 2 days to do it...


Sunday, November 27, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 27

I might as well copy/paste yesterday's post here...

I've kinda played Terraria out at this point, though, so hopefully I'll dedicate a ton of time tomorrow to writing? We'll see...


NaNoWriMo Day 26

Forgot to write this last night...

Same as day 25 though! Played Terraria instead of writing... I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish on time now...


Saturday, November 26, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 25

Instead of writing, I downloaded Terraria and played it until 4 AM...

Time management skills? What are those?

;.; 0 words today...


Thursday, November 24, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 24

Chapter 26 is done now. Chapter 27 is going well. Chapters 27 to 30 are all stuff that I've written before, much like the first few chapters. They'll probably end up pretty long chapters, and I've only 6 more days to finish them, but I should be able to pull it off if I dedicate a little time, given that I have older drafts for these chapters at least.

Also, it's the 25th now, which is the first day you can make your 50k+ word count official. So I've officially won NNWM 2011 now! That's nice, I guess... I need to get the actual novel done, though, before I start celebrating...

As much shit as I gave myself all during the month, the final few chapters are actually kinda good, I think. They're suspenseful, and actiony, and twisty, and even a little romantic, for what I can do with romance. So hopefully I'll actually be enjoying myself as I finish up the book.

Here's hoping...

Oh, and there's an epilogue afterwards, which is basically just a big "TO BE CONTINUED" bit... The book is being written as the first part of a trilogy. Will I ever write parts 2 and 3? Probably not! But who knows?


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 23

I fell short of 1667 words for the first time this month... But that's not really important, I guess...

I did finish the 25th chapter, though... Chapter 26 might get cut entirely... It seems pretty pointless...

Not much else to say today... Besides more whining... I'll save that for tomorrow, though...

I will say I REALLY need a new mouse, though...and a desk chair...and money to buy these things...


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 22

Welp, I went back and finished chapter 23 after all!

And I've begun working on 25 now as well... I think I have the full chapter planned out fairly well in my head now, and I can hopefully finish it up later on today (tonight). So wish me luck, all you people who aren't reading this!

I also wrote about 500 more words than I did on any of the previous three days, so that's pretty nice, too.


Monday, November 21, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 21

Well...the book is done...sorta...kinda...

Ah, look, at the end of chapter 23, I realized that I had written myself into 2 corners... One glaring plot hole, and one plot thread that I wasn't prepared to actually write... So instead I wrote a quick, all-caps 3-4 paragraph summary of how that chapter would end before moving on to chapter 24...

Tonight I decided, fuck the whole thing, and wrong similar summaries for the entirety of chapters 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and the epilogue... Will I spend the rest of the month expanding on those summaries? I hope so... I really do... But I don't see myself doing that...

I at least hope that, now that I have a mostly-functional first draft, I'll spend time post-NNWM going back over the whole thing and maybe editing and rewriting it into something worth reading... Remember: I want to be a writer... Like, that's the thing I wanted to do when I grew up, and still want to do now that I (technically) am grown up...

There's just that lousy problem that I'm pretty sure I'm an absolutely horrible writer, and I can't get any honest feedback on my work to really assess my actual ability... This problem is furthered by the fact that I've been working with these characters (in my head) for a literal decade... I really don't know one way or the other now if they're really any good, because they've just become this part of me that is very difficult to judge now...

I do think I have some vaguely interesting ideas going on, at least... Some being the key word...and vaguely being the second key word... Cliche, but interesting... There is most likely a very salvageable story buried under it all, and I just need the skill to find it...

Or I just need to give up and go back to being the worthless bum I've been since high school... Yeah, that's the one I'll most likely do...


Sunday, November 20, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 20

Writer's block, wonderful...

I actually ended up just throwing a quick summary of what I WANT to write at the end of chapter 23, because I couldn't find the words to flesh it out... Hopefully I'll be able to fix that soonish...

I'm writing fewer and fewer words each day, though... Which is disappointing...

And my characters are becoming one note-er by the sentence...


Saturday, November 19, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 19

Even fewer words today than yesterday. But still above the 1666/1667 daily goal, so that's okay I guess...

Chapter 22 has finally ended, and 23 is moving along just fine. Though I'm seeing a lot of room for improvement with this chapter, so I'll probably end up rewriting a bit of it before long and prolong finishing the novel. Which is probably for the best. Still, I'd like to get it finished at this point, given that I don't need to worry about word count anymore.

My characters are interacting in nearly-meaningful ways, though. Not just expositing and fighting. My main characters' families are being fleshed out a little better. Which is one of the things I intend to focus on a lot if and when I get around to rewrites. Day to day life of the heroes. It's an urban fantasy, after all, strange of me to not look into that stuff.

I still have little faith in my work, but I'm at least looking forward to getting it done again. Progress?


Friday, November 18, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 18

This was my lowest word count of the month. Which isn't that bad, as I still surpassed the minimum daily word count, unlike last year when I only had a few hundred on the day after passing the 50k mark. Progress?

Not much progress, though. Chapter 22 is just going on and on and on. I've been working on it for 3 days now, maybe 4. It's not even really that important plot wise, it's basically a bunch of world building all at once (because I'm a bad writer) with some plot exposition mixed in (because I'm a bad writer).

I think the last few bits of it are fairly well written, though. Better than a lot of the rest of the book, anyway. Better than other bits of the same chapter, even, which started out rather lazily.



Thursday, November 17, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 17

NaNoWriMo 2011 is officially a success!

Which is to say I have 50,000 words. The book isn't done. (ORANYGOODOHGODSALLOFMYTEARS)

Chapter 22 is turning out to be REALLY long. Which is potentially bad, since there are as many as 11 more chapters planned (maybe just 8, though)...

Also last year, when I hit 50k I started slacking off pretty bad. Which wasn't a problem, since Azure Night only ended up being 56k words in the end. Azure Sky is looking to be around 80,000-100,000 easily, which is much more problematic...

Why do the chapters get longer and longer and longer? I guess that's kinda a good thing? Iunno...


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 16


2400 words away from the monthly goal, but still at least 7 chapters from the end of the novel...

The plot is really poorly paced, the characters have bare bones personalities and very little in the way of development or arcs, and the plot just isn't really interesting... Very generic, poorly explained, and fairly random in how it happens...

Why am I writing again?


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 15

Feeling a bit better about this whole thing today... So that's nice.

Today we delved a bit into world building. I've been both excited and dreading this part for a while. Excited, because I know a lot of how the mythology of this world works, down to intricate details. Dreading, because I don't know if it's really all that interesting, or if I'd be able to make it sound interesting with my level of skill.

I am, however, considering rethinking the world in a big way. At the moment, it takes place in a made up major US city. But what if it doesn't take place in the US? What if the world feels like modern Earth, but isn't shaped that way?

Would it still be an urban fantasy if it's largely a made of world, just one that still feels like Earth? I don't really know...

I do know that I'd likely not be able to pull that off very believably... I'd fall back on colloquialisms that wouldn't make sense out of the context of, well, the 'real' world. Also I'd spent way too much time worrying about the fact that everyone is speaking English on a planet where there wasn't an England...

I worry about things like that a lot, actually. I should try to learn to ignore silly things like that. Sometimes you don't need to explain things. Probably better off if you didn't... Iunno...

On an unrelated note, NNWM is half over now... I'm less than 5k words from the goal, but a good 10 chapters away from the end of the book. Not sure if that's great or terrible.


Monday, November 14, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 14

I need to believe that rewrites can solve all my problems...

Even though I'm pretty sure they can't...

In other news, the female lead ending up in a lesbian relationship with one of the big bads would be much more believable than her ending up with the male lead...

Which would be fine, except ALL my characters seem like they'd work better if they were gay. Or at least most. And I'm pretty sure an entirely gay cast would be a hell of a statistical anomaly...


Sunday, November 13, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 13

I want to rant and rant about how much I fail at everything... But that would be stupid, and pointless, and whiny, and no one would fucking read it anyway, so I won't...

Instead I'll just say I'm past 40,000 words now, so there's that I guess, whatever...



Saturday, November 12, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 12


Just meh...

I'm really losing my confidence with this whole project... I'm a complete anti-social mess, and it's really showing in my complete lack of ability to write interesting characters... At all...

Real shame that writing is the closest thing to a skill I'm actually good at...



I might just go for the 50k and then stop... Just to give me something to do...


Friday, November 11, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 11

Not too much to say. A couple of the parts might be getting a little weird, I think. A certain character's certain power is probably a little confusing, to an extent. Or maybe not confusing so much as stupid. Either way.

I was very close to being at double the recommended word count for day 11 though (At 1666 2/3 words a day, day eleven should have at least 18333 or so, I had 36,306. So close!) But I didn't quite make it. That was disappointing, but I'm likely to try a little extra tomorrow night and finally hit that mark.

I'm thinking the book will be pretty long at this point, though. At least 60,000 words, likely more. Which means I have no idea when I might actually finish it, even if I hit 50,000 words on the 15th or sooner...

There's also now an excerpt posted on the NaNo site. Chapter 15, if you're curious (and exist).


Thursday, November 10, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 10

A new personal best in NNWM for me today, at 4708 words written (I got 76 more, but missed the site midnight update by seconds, so they'll count for tomorrow).

So, stuff is happening. Stuff and things and events even. The characters are being more proactive. They're being more varied in their interactions. There's a bit of mystery, a lot of action. Dare I say there's even a little suspense? All of which is really nice!

I'm especially worried about the ... well, basically the entire first half of the book... Very little really happens during it. Which is fine, I guess. It's setting up for the second half of the book, and for the rest of the series really. But I've read plenty of novel writing advice lately, and a lot of it recommends not waiting for things to pick up. There should be action or mystery or excitement in general throughout.

I'm working that weird, but hopefully that makes sense. The point is, the first half of the book is going to end up being boring as it stands right now. Hopefully that'll be mitigated by rewrites, but that's so far down the line I really don't want to even think about it right now.

Maybe I'll should enact Chandler's Law a bit...


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 9

Welp, I broke the half way point (25000 words) first thing this morning, which was pretty cool! I'm really worrying about my character interactions at this point though. All the main characters have officially met now, and are working together, and I dunno if they're actually fun to see together.

I worry about that a lot, though.

Definitely kind of a problem is that characters are purposefully acting less than intelligently for the sake of advancing the plot... I'm trying to get them legitimate reasons to do it all, but that might not be good enough.

I'm also throwing in some random lesbian undertones. Which there's nothing wrong with, that works for me, I just thought I'd point it out.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 8

Fight scene! Possibly the best written scene so far! I'm thinking about using it as my Novel Excerpt on the NNWM site, but it'd probably be hard to follow out of context, so maybe not.

Took a while to get going today. I keep freaking out about the quality of the thing. I'm actually hoping to make a career out of this sort of thing, mind, not just churn out a 50k word file for NaNo. Self confidence isn't something I have a lot of typically, so I end up worried about this a lot.

But then I pushed through a few more boring bits, and got to have people trying to do violence to each other, and I felt a bit better!

Second day in a row I came in at under 3000 new words, though. Still more than 3k/day on average, but I hope my pace isn't going to be slowing too much.


Monday, November 7, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 7

Wasted a lot of time today on a chapter that wasn't flowing well. Got caught up on a side character I didn't really know what to do with. Still much better than I did on most days last year, though, so there's that.

I'm really starting to get tired from all this writing now... I stay up until unhealthy hours normally, but the writing bit is suddenly taking its toll. Not that it isn't worth it, of course.

I'm also becoming increasingly worried that my main character is too much of an author insert. My attempts to differentiate him from myself seem to be having the opposite effect. Or maybe I'm just overly paranoid about potential Mary Sues. Speaking of which, I'm really worried the main female character is a complete Mary Sue. Welp.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 6

I am really ahead of schedule at this point! 19,336 total words at the moment, whereas the goal for day 6 is only 10,000!

More good news? Most of the important characters have been introduced at this point. Even better, they're not all ridiculously boring! (Probably!)

A few problems though... Namely how long it's taking for the 'fantasy' portion of this 'urban fantasy' novel to get going. Also I might not be giving the villains enough screen time now. I may need to rework it a bit to find more time for them.

Possibly a large part of the problem is that I know that I'm not just starting one book, but a trilogy starring these same characters. Things will be more fantastic (definition 2) the further down the line we get. So I'm setting stuff up a bit too long in the first book. This is something that should probably be addressed. After all, who knows if I'll ever get to write the second book (Azure Earth: Title Pending)?

Overall, though, I'm just pleased as punch with the progress I'm making. Years of planning are really paying off. The words just flow so well. I didn't have nearly so easy a time writing last year, about characters I'd largely never used before (as well as a whole bunch of new ones basically created on the spot). So this is really nice. For now, I'll keep positive, and say I look forward to when I get back to Azure Night again (book 5 or 6, depending on how I work it) and giving those characters a better shake.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 5

So I've begun deviating from the outline/rough draft/whatever I wrote last month... I guess that's probably normal, though. I'm just worried that I'll go so off plan that later notes will become basically unusable, and I'll end up hitting a major bump in the road. That wouldn't be a good time...

I'm also really worried that my characters don't mesh well together. A lot of dialogue in these last few chapters, and most of it between the same two characters in particular. I'm probably biased or whatever, but I can't help but feel that their conversation isn't flowing very well, and they don't really have chemistry together (which is a problem, considering they're suppose to be love interests!)

The villains seem to fit together a bit better, though, so it's not all a wash. And the heroes will soon have a third in their midst, who'll hopefully shake up the dynamic, and perhaps even make the other two more interesting at the same time.

A man can dream, right?


Friday, November 4, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 4

Oh yeah!

So, status report, I'm just over 12k (12,008 precisely) now... Chapters 4, 5, and 6 have been merged into a hopefully not too Frankenstein-esque new amalgam chapter 4. The proposed chapter 7 nearly got sucked in, too, but I decided it was enough of a break in the plot and setting to warrant its own chapter. Chapter 4 would have been a little overly long otherwise, I think. It would've clashed tonally, anyway...

A LOT of dialogue in the new Chapter 5, too. I really worry it's too stilted. But that's probably normal for a new writer. Worrying, I mean. And stilted dialogue, now that I think of yeah, lots of worries. But the character interaction is not all that bad, I don't think.

And now the NEW chapter 6, rather than the one I said I was just about to finish up last night. Villains hanging out! Everyone needs down time once in a while, yeah?


Thursday, November 3, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 3

The plot hasn't exactly started yet, but most of the heroes, and the main villain, have all gotten to know each other (violently!) at this point.

This point being nearly the end of chapter 6.

Once it's finished, I'm out of previously written material until basically the end of the book, with the exception of one chapter late into it. So this'll be an adventure.

If nothing else, my characters are shaping up nicely, I think. Is my villain ridiculously over the top and Saturday Morning Cartoony? Yeah, kinda. But he's suppose to be. The rest of the villains aren't going to appreciate it very much. If I'm lucky it won't come off really, really stupid. We'll see!

Do I keep repeating myself on this blog? Feels like I do...


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 2

Current progress is 5812 words. That's another 3341 today, and 2479 words ahead of schedule! Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

I was pretty worried about today's bit. Yesterday I wrote the prologue and first chapter, the first of which I've written and rewritten a good dozen times by now, and the latter which has had a few rewrites as well. Today was mostly new territory. I'm still not quite passed what the parts I've been mulling over since forever, but I've written some of these chapters before, and only once, and never in such detail.

By the end of tomorrow night I'll be getting into stuff that has never hit the writing stage at all, and then stuff I've never had much of an opportunity to plan out. Hopefully the outline I created in October will pull me through it all just fine.

Intimidating, but also exciting! I'm enjoying the challenge so far, and look forward to more characters showing up so I can get to know them all better.

Dunno if I'll be posting here daily, though... I mean, it's not like I have any followers anyway, so what's the point? Still, I'll probably make an effort, at least...


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 1

Hey look it's November now! Currently I have 7 text files open waiting to start some writing. I'll edit this post when I've actually done some...

EDIT: And the first day is officially over (though the site seems a bit behind on updating the day)! My word count sits at 2471 at the moment, a good 700+ ahead of schedule! Woohoo!

I dunno if I should call this a 'problem', per se, but I'm not even done with the first chapter yet. And with my rough draft/outline/thing planned out for more than 33 chapters, this could be a REALLY long book, definitely passing that 50,000 word mark by quite a bit. But as long as it doesn't become too ridiculous (I'd like to avoid hitting 100k please!), hopefully it'll still work out fine.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011 - The Azure Sky Project

So hey, this blog sure has been fruitful, hasn't it, all you people not following me? Not that I was ever really expecting much out of it... But now November has come around again! Which means National Novel Writing Month 2011!

I realized early on during the last NaNo that having that daily goal proved useful in motivating me to write, whereas setting the same goal on a personal basis after NaNo had ended did squat... So hopefully, now that I have that 1667 words per day goal set up FOR me again, all official on the NNWM site and everything, things will be different on this attempt to start a new book.

And in fact they already are. I've spent the last couple weeks or so plotting and planning out my next (first?) novel. 6500+ words in notepad, creating a backbone for the novel. It's pretty thorough, though could still use some work in some areas (namely characters; there's a lot of nameless characters running around in the chapter-by-chapter outline I wrote. Rather awkward, that), but it will most definitely help keep me on track during November, with fewer lengths of wasted time where I just don't know what to do, and hopefully with very few weird, filler bits, like chapter 2 from last year's book...

Speaking of, last year I wrote a novel called 'Azure Night: Bound for Eternity'. A vampire story, which I know is totally original stuff, but it's actually just a side story in a much larger series of novels I've been forming mentally for damn near 10 years now (one of the most important goals is to iron out the less ingenious bits my 14 year old self came out with, bits like author inserts and wanton character murder). The back of the finished Azure Night calls it the fifth book in the 'Azure Sky series'. Truthfully, that number is just a place holder. It might be the fifth, could be as high as the seventh depending on how things go. The point is I have a lot of plans. (Azure Night will be completely rewritten eventually as well, when I actually have all that continuity and backstory set in stone.)

I like to think I'm a good writer, or at least a decent writer. I don't know if my books are anything anyone will want to read, but I most certainly hope so. The Azure Sky books are (will be) a series of urban fantasy novels, I suppose with an intended young adult audience. They're heavily inspired by...well, a lot of things. Saturday morning cartoons I watched as a kid, the books I read at around the same time, the works of Joss Whedon, various anime series I enjoy, video games, comic books, et cetera. Not to say they're completely derivative! At least, I don't think so. You be the judge? (If they're ever finished and available for purchase!)

I'm rambling now though... Um... Yeah...

On a related note, I've recently learned that what could have been a huge distraction has been conveniently put off until December I have no excuse at all not to get this book written! Hoorah!

Look for Azure Sky: The First Year (title tentative) soon!



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Once more with feeling...?

So thus far, this hasn't worked out... Which I expected... I'ma see if I can't maybe keep the dream alive, though... I wrote one novel, right? So I should be able to write more... I can totally do this... Totally...

Or at least try, y'know? I have a file entitled Prologue open, anyway...


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So hey, that didn't go so well...

Yeah, my final word count for February, my self-imposed Personal Novel Writing Month, was zero... I'm a bit of a failure, y'see...

But I'ma keep on trying to motivate myself... Wish me luck, again, people not following my blog...


Sunday, January 30, 2011

NaNoWriMo Early Edition?

So yeah, back in November '10, I participated (and succeeded in!) the National Novel Writing Month! Nifty, I thought...

Writing is something I'd like to do professionally, though I'm not certain I'm much good at it... NaNoWriMo was suppose to be my attempt to find out... Problem is, I kinda wrote the 5th (or 6th?) novel in a theoretical series of mine... So I'm planning on fixing that...

During February '11, I intend to write the first in the series, and I created this blog to do that... Azure Sky: ENTER SUBTITLE HERE is something I've been writing on and off (and rewriting from scratch over and over) since I was in middle school, I believe... Which probably says a lot about the quality of the piece? I dunno...

So here we go, my own Personal Novel Writing Month begins soon... PerNoWriMo? I guess... Of course, it'll probably spill over into March... And maybe the rest of 2011... But with any luck, and no small amount of dedication, I'll hopefully have something I'm comfortable trying to have published sometime this year! Wish me luck?
